Equality and Diversity  

Purpose of the Policy
The purpose of this policy is to state our organisation’s values on equality and diversity and show how the organisation will put these into practice. We want to show staff, potential staff, and customers that JNR Properties is serious about fairness. JNR Properties recognises and accepts its responsibility to ensure equality and diversity in all areas of operation.

JNR Properties is committed to equality for all people. JNR Properties is committed  to operating in accordance with the 2010 Equality Act in the implementation of this  Policy, in addition to any associated legislation laid out in any relevant Codes of  Practice. The organisation will monitor its policies and procedures to ensure that this  policy and its principles are upheld. Every manager and employee have the  responsibility to implement this policy. All staff have a responsibility not to  discriminate or harass other staff, customers, landlords, tenants, and contractors.  Any behaviour of this manner should be reported to the Director immediately. JNR  Properties is an equal opportunity employer and is committed to ensuring that the  terms and conditions of employment of the employee and potential employee are  equitable and non-discriminatory. All opportunities for and during employment will  be awarded to individuals fairly and irrespective of age, disability, gender, gender  reassignment, material or civil partnership status, maternity or pregnancy, race  including colour, ethnic or national origins or nationality, religion or belief or sexual  orientation (“the protected characteristics”). We aim to create a working  environment that is free from discrimination and harassment in any form, in which  staff, customers, landlords, tenants and contractors are treated with dignity and  respect. The organisation will seek to promote equal opportunities and prevent  discrimination and harassment by communicating this policy; by providing  appropriate training and guidelines for those with designated responsibilities and by  raising awareness through staff development. 

Protected Characteristics 

JNR Properties is committed to ensuring that everyone is treated fairly, has equal  access to services and is not discriminated against, harassed, or victimised in relation  the following protected characteristics identified under the Equality Act 2010: 

This refers to an individual of a specific age (e.g. 32) or an age range (e.g. 18 – 30). 

In the legislation, persons are defined as having a disability if they have a physical or  mental impairment, which has a substantial and long-term adverse effect on their  ability to carry out normal day to day activities.

This refers to the process of changing from one gender to the other (change from  male to female or female to male) and comes under the equality aspect described as  gender identity.

Marriage is defined as a formal union between a man and a woman or two people of  the same sex. Same-sex couples can additionally have their relationships legally  recognised as ‘civil partnerships’. Civil partners must be treated in the same way as  married couples in a wide range of legal matters.

Pregnancy is the condition of being pregnant or expecting a baby. Maternity refers to  the period following birth and is associated with maternity leave in the employment  contract. In a context apart from work, women are protected from being  discriminated against on the basis of maternity for 26 weeks after giving birth, and  this includes treating a woman unfavourably because she is breastfeeding. 

In legislation, this refers to a group of people defined according to their race, colour,  nationality (including citizenship), or their ethnic or national origin.

Religion retains its usual meaning, but belief includes religious and philosophical  creeds (e.g. Atheism). Generally, a belief should have an effect on your life choices or  the way you live for it to be included in the definition. People with no religious belief  are also protected. 

This refers to a man or a woman. 

This refers to a person’s sexual attraction – are they attracted by people of the same  sex, the opposite sex or people of both sexes. Although it is defined in legislation as a  person’s sexual attraction, sexual orientation is a combination of emotional,  romantic, sexual or affectionate attraction towards another person. 

Discrimination is defined in several ways. It may be deliberate or unconscious. It  may occur on an individual level (person to person) or on an institutional level. The  Equality Act (2010) expects that all staff and contractors of JNR Properties are aware  of and understand the different ways in which discrimination can happen. 

Treating an individual less fairly/worse than another individual because of a  protected characteristic. e.g. – Refusing someone housing advice because of their  sexual orientation. 

This happens when a service provider or employer sets out a rule, policy, or way of  doing things which is relevant to all but has a worse effect on someone with a  protected characteristic than on someone without such a characteristic, when this  cannot be objectively justified. e.g. A letting agency has a policy of reminding service  users of coming appointments by phoning them. This puts deaf people who cannot  use a phone at a disadvantage, since they will not be reminded of the appointment. 

This happens when an individual behaves in an unpleasant manner which  transgresses someone else’s dignity, or is aggressive, degrading, insulting or  humiliating towards someone with a protected characteristic. It may be of a sexual  nature. e.g. – A customer in reception happens to hear a staff member making racist  remarks. This is an example of harassment since it creates a threatening and  degrading atmosphere which humiliates the customer and affronts his/her dignity. 

Treating someone unfavourably because they have taken (or possibly intend to take)  steps under the 2010 Equality Act or is supporting someone who is taking steps. e.g.  – A manager who refuses to consider someone for promotion because that individual 

has given evidence on behalf of a colleague who made a complaint about unlawful  sexual discrimination.

People are protected against someone (wrongly) perceiving that they have one of the  protected characteristics and discriminating against them and treating them less  favourably/worse because of this. 

People are protected against someone discriminating against them because of their  association with someone who has a protected characteristic. This includes the  parent of a disabled child or adult or someone else who is a carer for a disabled  person.

Treating a disabled individual unfavourably because of something associated with  the disability when this cannot be justified.

All individuals have a right to be treated with dignity and respect and JNR Properties takes reasonable steps to protect staff from discrimination, bullying or harassment  and, in the event of a complaint, we will take appropriate action to prevent, as far as  possible, a further occurrence. 

All staff are encouraged to report any incidents of inappropriate or unacceptable  behaviour at work or that occurs during the course of employment, on or off  premises, including at work social events (whether organised by the Company or not)  or at formal or informal events involving staff, customers or other work-related  contacts. Further information can be found in the Company Staff Handbook.  

JNR Properties will ensure that our employees, potential employees, and customers  are aware of this policy by distributing a copy to all employees, and to other workers  on their engagement. Job seekers, applicants and customers will be sent a copy of the  policy on request. It is important that all of our staff are fully aware of this policy,  and the importance of equality and diversity issues. To this end, all staff will receive  training on this policy annually. This policy does not form part of the employment  contract and may be changed at any time. The policy will be reviewed annually and  changed accordingly. 

Harassment and discrimination in relation to age, disability, gender reassignment,  marriage or civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex,  sexual orientation is unlawful, and employees and customers of JNR Properties have  the right to be treated with dignity and respect. Harassment is not acceptable and  JNR Properties will neither permit nor tolerate it. JNR Properties as an employer,  and employees as individuals may be open to legal challenges under equality and  diversity legislation. As an employer, JNR Properties must be able to demonstrate  that its employment policies and procedures are fair and effective across the  organisation.

Complaints regarding harassment or discrimination by another member of staff will  be investigated in accordance with the Workplace Harassment Policy, and, if proven,  action will be taken in accordance with the JNR Properties Disciplinary Policy.

Any complaint by a member of the public will be investigated in accordance with the  corporate Complaints Policy.

Any complaint regarding harassment will be investigated in accordance with the  Workplace Harassment Policy. 

The Company will monitor the effectiveness of this policy to ensure it is achieving its  objectives. In order to assess the success of the Equality and Diversity Policy,  monitoring systems are essential.

Access to confidential information about a client’s protected characteristics As part of providing a service to either Landlords or Tenants, we will often visit a  client’s home and talk to them at length regarding their personal circumstances so  that we fully understand their property needs. This can also take place during  telephone conversations. When doing so, we may become aware of a client’s protected characteristics which we would not have been aware of without such a visit  or discussion. We will ensure that any knowledge gained in this way will never put  any Client at a disadvantage, such as breaching Client confidentiality, if this would  count as providing them with a worse service or the same service on worse terms. 

When interacting with all Clients, we will endeavour to consider various  communication methods and accessibility needs that disabled individuals may have.  We will make the necessary adjustments to ensure that the service provided is not  diminished in any way. 

Whilst undertaking our marketing, we will not, whether under instruction to do so or  not, discriminate, harass or victimise any occupier of a property that we are  marketing. 

We do not impose a ban on any particular Tenants. Any potential Tenant will be  qualified on their individual merits and the Landlords will assess their criteria  individually and decisions made on a case-by-case basis, considering all the facts. JNR Properties are aware that equality and diversity are important principals and as  such this Act is part of everything that we do both with our Staff and it extends to our  Customers, Clients, Landlords, Tenants and all Third-Party Suppliers.