Moving out guide

To ensure a quick and easy moving out process at the end of your tenancy, please follow our guidance below.

Confirm your move out date and time.

The month before your Occupational Agreement end date, we email all tenants to remind them to get in touch to confirm their move out date and to book in their exit inspections. The end of the academic year is a very busy period, therefore the sooner you contact us, the better, as you will have a greater choice of dates and times.  An exit inspection can only occur when all tenants have vacated the property and all personal belongings have been removed. Whichever tenant(s) sign the exit inspection paperwork is deemed as signing on behalf of the household as a whole. It is the tenant’s responsibility to book an appointment for an exit inspection, therefore, if tenants do not attend the exit inspection, it will be carried out in their absence.

Get packing

It can take a lot longer than you expect to pack up your belongings after a year or more in the same property. Give yourself time to pack and don’t leave everything to the last minute. Be methodical with your packing, start by packing up things you won’t need to use in the last few weeks and label boxes clearly to help when it comes to unpacking again.  Arrange any help and transport in advance you need for moving day.  Thoroughly check every drawer and cupboard, under beds and sofas to make sure you have collected all of your belongings.

Cancel bills and take final meter readings

It can be tedious but one of the most important things to remember when moving out is to get in touch with your utility suppliers (electricity, gas and water) and let them know you are moving and give them your final meter readings on moving out day. It can be helpful to take a picture of your meters on the final day, so you have a record of the readings ahead of receiving your final bill. Tenants must provide us with a copy of their final utility bills showing a balance of zero for deposits to be returned. You must also notify the council even if you have been exempt from Council tax and provide us and Cardiff Council will a copy of your council tax exemption certificate (available from your University) before the end of your tenancy. If this is not provided, please be aware that you will be liable to pay the council tax bill. Don’t forget to notify any relevant broadband and TV subscriptions too.

Clean, clean, clean

In order to avoid cleaning charges being taken from your deposit, ensure you leave your property in the same condition as when you moved in. Fair wear and tear is taken into account, but tenants are required to thoroughly clean their home before handing back the keys.

Make sure you pay attention to the following areas which often get overlooked:

Kitchen: All cupboards must be emptied, and all work surfaces cleaned. The cooker should be thoroughly cleaned, paying particular attention to the oven, grill and extractor fan.

Fridge/Freezer: This must be emptied, defrosted and cleaned, the power turned off and doors left open.

Bath/Shower: Any tiled surfaces should be cleaned to remove any build-up or mould. The shower screen and seal should be cleaned, and sealant should be wiped down and free of mould. The shower drain and filter should be cleaned of any debris and hair.

Floors: These should be cleaned and vacuumed. Please also remember to clean under beds/furniture, skirting boards and any stairs.

Furniture: All hard furniture should be wiped down/polished. Sofas cushions should be detached and cleaned underneath. All furniture should be pulled away from the walls to clean behind. Inside furniture/drawers should be thoroughly cleaned and vacuumed if necessary.

Report damage

If you notice any damage ahead of your move out date, report this via your PropertyFile account. This ensures that the damage can be fixed ahead of your move out date and avoids any delays for new tenants moving in. If the damage or issues are general wear and tear and you have reported them before you leave, allowing sufficient time for the landlords to repair or replace items, then this won’t affect the return of your deposit. If there is evidence of deliberate damage or neglect then money could be taken out of your deposit to cover any replacement items required or rectifying any damage. Any damage caused during the tenancy is the tenant’s responsibility, this could include: damage to walls by nails or blue tack, damage to furniture including cigarette burns, damage and stains on carpets, damage caused by bicycles stored or brought through the property, damage caused by condensation when the property has not been ventilated sufficiently and damage caused by negligent use of showers.

Check your inventory

Check the inventory you signed at the start of your tenancy and make sure that all items are in the accommodation and in the correct location. Furniture is often moved around and items missing so ensure everything is back where it should be and take photos on the last day as evidence to avoid any potential disputes.


Remember that as party of your Occupational Agreement, tenants are responsible for ensuring all lightbulbs are working in the property. Before you leave check each room to ensure that the lights are working and if necessary, replace any blown bulbs to avoid charges for replacements.


Once you hand over your keys at the end of your tenancy you will no longer have access to the property, therefore ensure that you notify anyone that uses this address for correspondence that you have moved out so they can update their records and send any future post to your new address.


Leaving rubbish or unwanted furniture behind when you move out can result in charges being deducted from your deposit. Ensure you do any big clear outs and cleans ahead of the last rubbish day so that you can put all of your rubbish out to be collected. No rubbish can be left at the property or you will be charged for the clean up and removal. Do not use the bins for any bulky items, you must arrange for these items to be collected. This includes bikes, which must be removed from the bike shed and taken with you, otherwise you will be charged for the disposal.


Please hand over all your keys at the exit inspection or by 9am on your move out day, ensuring they are clearly labelled. Remember to include any garage fobs and parking permits. Should you leave your property earlier than your contract end date, please return your keys directly to the JNR Office, 89 Woodville road, Cardiff, CF24 4DX to obtain a receipt. If any keys are missing, tenants will be charged the full cost of any replacement locks and keys required.

If you have any questions in regards to the move out process please contact us and a member of our team will be happy to answer your questions.